2 thoughts on “Levels of Friendship”

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I went for an assessment to see if I had Autism and the results were inconclusive as it said that I had some of the behaviours but not enough to say that I had the condition. The other problem was that the test was really aimed at children and not adults.

    I however firmly believe that I am Autistic because I have always struggled to maintain and hold onto my friendships. This has made me feel very bad about myself and has lead me to have a diagnosis from my GP with ‘Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder.’

    I did an online Autism test and at the end of it, it said that I was ‘High Functioning Borderline Autistic’.

    I want to see if I can get a formal diagnosis so that more doors can open to me for help with emotional support. I feel very lonely and sad that I am rubbish at making friends. I keep losing them and it is really painful because I want to feel loved and accepted by people I wish my friends contacted me more.

    I really do not know what to do.

    Can you please advise me? Thank you in advance

    Kind regards,

    Mr. Lindsay Pickett

    1. I am not sure what you are, asking me because I am not familiar with any details associated with autism. If you’re looking at the levels of friendship wire, I suggest you attend the workshop in February, and see if any of the material presented there is useful for you.

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