ANCoR is the intergroup for the Arizona North/Central CoDA Region. We coordinate CoDA activities in the region as the next level down from the meeting level (the meetings are our most important activity in the Fellowship). We meet every other month beginning in January on the morning of the third Saturday. If you’d like to attend, see the meeting information provided below.
All CoDA members are welcome and encouraged to attend the intergroup meetings. Has your home group elected a Group Service Representative (GSR) yet? We hope so. Once you elect one of the members, that person will represent you at the intergroup meeting so you will have a part in making decisions for our region.
GSRs are elected by their home group meetings. Each GSR attends the intergroup meetings six times a year plus the annual Voting Entity Assembly, and another special meeting to review motions that will be presented at the yearly CoDA Service Conference. It’s a commitment of about 16 hours per year and you provide valued service to your meeting and the Fellowship, and your recovery is enhanced!
You may be considering accepting a GSR position for your meeting. Or you may currently be a GSR and aren’t as familiar with the position responsibilities as you’d like to be. ANCoR has put together a special page linked to a lot of information to help you better understand what GSRs do and how CoDA works. CoDA continues only through people being of service. Being of service will also take your recovery to a higher level. Please click the icon below to see what it all entails and what it can do for your recovery.
Electing GSRs and supporting the intergroup is a way for individual meetings to work together to encourage CoDA unity and to protect CoDA integrity by observing CoDA’s Twelve Traditions, and Service Concepts.
The primary purpose of ANCoR is to serve this region’s membership of Co-Dependents Anonymous. ANCoR is guided by the principles of CoDA’s Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve CoDA Service Concepts. ANCoR’s goals are to serve the community in several principal ways.
As paraphrased from our guidelines, ANCoR’s core responsibilities are to maintain and distribute an up-to-date hard copy and electronic copy of the regional meeting list, maintain the phone lines (voice recording of meeting list and retrieving/returning messages left on the message line), make use of internet facing platforms that are consistent with the Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous with special attention to anonymity (especially Tradition 11), to establish outreach and in-reach; to maintain the Post Office Box, and account for and be good stewards of all 7th Tradition monies received. The intergroup also serves as the liaison to CoDA International, elects representatives to the annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and establishes committees which help to serve the membership in our region. The Operational Guidelines by which ANCoR is conducted can be reviewed, downloaded or printed by clicking here. Associated with the Operational Guidelines is the ANCoR Expense Reimbursement Guideline.
The meetings in the area pass along 7th Traditions to help Intergroup do its work on behalf of all the meetings in the region. Each meeting decides for itself how much to contribute.
If you wish to make a contribution to ANCoR, either individually or as a result of collections made at your CoDA meeting, ANCoR has established two methods to to facilitate 7th Tradition contributions to our regional CoDA Fellowship:
- You can use Zelle to send money directly from your bank to our bank without any fees so all of your money goes to CoDA. Our Zelle address is Click on this link to see instructions to do this from your bank account.
- Use the link below to connect directly to PayPal. You may use your PayPal account but you do not have to have a PayPal account to make a contribution. All that is needed is a debit or credit card. Please note that PayPal charges a fee (2.99% plus a $0.49) for each transaction so you may want to consider that when choosing your contribution amount.
If you want to send your contribution by check (payable to ANCoR) and regular mail, the address is:
ANCoR Intergroup, P.O. Box 32893, Phoenix, AZ 85064-2893.
If you want to contribute to CoDA International at, click here.
We hope to see you at the next meeting!
The next ANCoR meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2025 at 9am on Zoom. The agenda and a link to attend the meeting are provided below. Hope to see you there!!
There are open positions at ANCoR including the Chairperson, Secretary, and Webmaster Committee Chair. This is a great opportunity to take your recovery to a higher level by taking on an ANCoR service position. ANCoR NEEDS you! Click here to see more info and descriptions of the positions. If you are interested, please send an email to for more information.
If you wish additional meeting information, click on the appropriate link below:
Interested in receiving news and information about what’s happening with ANCoR and the region? Sign up for emails here.