The following provides links to audio recordings and downloadable () / printable (
) handout materials from live pre-pandemic, face-to-face workshops (back when you could give and get hugs!)
A workshop presented by Danae B. on tools for use when working the first three steps of CoDA. She presented this workshop on January 4, 2020.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
Listen to Mary R.’s guided workshop she conducted on seeking the will of our Higher Power through her own methods and those of the attendees at the workshop. This took place on October 5, 2019 at the Franciscan Renewal Center Arizona CoDA Retreat.
A workshop presented by Ken R. on October 5, 2019 at the Franciscan Renewal Center Arizona CoDA Retreat.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
A workshop presented by Heidi A. on October 5, 2019 at the Franciscan Renewal Center Arizona CoDA Retreat. She shares her thoughts on working with the inner child and methods of re-parenting the little one.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
Silvia T. conducted a workshop on July 27, 2109 on feeling and understanding shame and ways to use the 12 steps to deal with it.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
A workshop presented on June 8, 2019 by Ken and Mary R., giving their insights on understanding yourself through the use of the 12 steps of CoDA.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
Love Addiction, Love Avoidance, Relationships & Co-Addiction
A workshop presented on May 11, 2019 by Heidi A., who conducts a literature study of the CoDA pamphlet “Peeling the Onion”. Within the workshop, participants will identify love addictions and the source of those addictions in their own lives. During the workshop, participants will learn how to arrest those addictions, get through withdrawal, and take a look at the patterns and behaviors of healthy and loving relationships.
A workshop presented by Keith on February 16, 2019 on using the Tools of Prayer and Meditation through the 12 Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous.
A workshop presented at the Franciscan Renewal Center Arizona CoDA Retreat on December 1, 2018 by Shari A. who shares her Experience, Strength and Hope while working CoDA Steps 8, 9 and 10.
Click here for the handout used during the workshop.
A workshop presented at the Franciscan Renewal Center Arizona CoDA Retreat on December 1, 2018 by Scott J. who shares his insights on managing grief in healthy ways.
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